Our program is funded by grants, partner institutions, and contributions from individuals. The more we receive, the more we can distribute. If you’re interested in our model, please support us today! Your donation is 100% tax deductible.

Ways to donate:

To donate with a credit/debit card, click here:

The information collected by UCB from your donation will only be used for maintaining up to date records. UCB does not have access to your credit card payment information. UCB will NOT sell your information to any third parties ever.

To donate by check, please mail to:

Union Capital Boston

31 Heath St

Boston, MA 02130

To donate by transferring securities, use the following:

Fidelity Investments
DTC #: 0226
Account of Union Capital Boston, Inc.
Account #: Z50389650

When transferring securities, please :

  1. have your broker include your name at the time of the transfer, and

  2. email Eric Leslie at contact@unioncapitalboston.com

    (This will allow us to attribute your gift appropriately)

To donate while you shop, select UCB as your designated charity on AmazonSmile:

0.5% of your purchase will be contributed to UCB!

0.5% of your purchase will be contributed to UCB!


Thank you for helping us to reward community!